Green olive dress…


There are some colors in fashion that have been underestimated to a large extend, and one of them is olive green. This color is a mix of black and light green meaning that both cold colors get together to make an amazing unique pattern.

green-olive dress

Olive green is one of the most timeless and versatile colors in our wardrobes. From its roots in military history through years of interpretation in the fashion industry. This color is totally a must have this winter, today I am wearing an olive green dress from SheIn, it is perfect for winter because it is made by polyester, cotton and it is spandex which means that it is a “warm dress” I love the back of it and I paired it up with booties. A combination of olive green and gray! Love it!

green-olive dress

Hay algunos colores en la paleta de la moda que muchas veces se los deja de lado y uno de esos es el verde aceituna. Este color es una mezcla de negro y verde; dos colores fríos que al uniese dar un color único.

green-olive dress

El verde aceituna es un color versátil e histórico desde las raíces militares y ahora se lo interpreta perfectamente en la industria de la moda. Este color definitivamente tiene que estar en tu closet, yo lo estoy usando en un vestido de la tienda SheIn, perfecto para el invierno ya que tiene un material de algodón y poliéster muy pegado al cuerpo que sinceramente “calienta un poquito”. Lo combine con unos botines y una carterita gris, enamorada de esta combinación!

green-olive dress


  1. In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with yellow lace dress.I’m feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:”Is this a thing now?”And here’s my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.


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