Check out my new project – my own workout clothing line – GymRat Line!

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A month ago I finally executed a project that I had spent so much time contemplating with ideas and plans over the last couple of years.
I always wanted to have my own line of sporting gear, but more importantly something that was also comfortable to wear. Ever since I started working out and watching my health I felt the need to wear comfortable clothing that at the same time sent a message about my personality and also motivated me to keep going.  I did not really see exactly what I wanted out there and so I decided to create it myself, and thus GymRat Line was born.
GymRat Line is a line of clothing that promotes positivity, the need to feel good with a minimalist mentality.  The principal idea is to have three primary colors: white, grey and black.  The main reason is because these colors are neutral and they also represent a new start, balance, and strength.  They are the colors that I feel at my best when I exercise and they are easy to combine.
How did I get started?  The idea had been in my mind for such a long time.  The fact is that I did not like exercising at first, I was so self-conscious and so impatient.  I would workout but I was not happy because I did not see the results that I wanted.  I thought that maybe if I could find a way to motivate myself that it would make me want to keep going.  I finally thought of my own clothes with powerful messages but I kept postponing it for one reason or another.  In the meantime, I continued to do so much research on the equipment I needed for the printing, the right clothes, and the cost of everything combined.  But it was not until the pandemic began that I decided to invest and launch the project.
I am very blessed to have people around me who are very talented and more importantly who believe in me and support me.  Together with the TeamBelu team and a group of girlfriends we began the process of trying on the clothes, experimenting with motivational messages, modeling and finally launching the website.  I have close family and friends who have not stopped sharing and promoting this small dream of mine.
The website was designed from zero and it is exactly what I asked for. The designer and administrator is the very talented  and I highly recommend him.
I tell you this story because I am very proud of my ideas and I want to motivate anyone I can to focus and start anything you have in mind even with all those fears that mess with our heads. GymRat Line is growing little by little and it is a project that is going to require a lot of time and a lot of love.  I know that if I could do this then anyone with a great idea can as well!
I will keep you updated on the latest with new designs and how it is going and I hope that you can help me keep this dream alive and growing.


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