Unique African outfit thanks to SandyChicCouture


When I first saw SandyChicCouture clothes I was amazed of the variety and colors and of course of the talent to create and design such as unique clothes. All garments are selected and hand made in Burkina Faso and Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa with love. The best part about this is that you will not have another twin wearing the same item because they only make one of each.

When I got this outfit I got super excited but nervous at the same time, excited because I love new and unique trends and this one is really special for me because I know Sandy personally and I admire her, and nervous because I was not sure how to wear it or how to pair it up with. I decided to go simple this time, the pattern is so perfect and designed that doesn’t even need accessories or any extra.  I was going casual so I am wearing sandals but you can wear booties, flats or heals and will give the outfit a total different look, I am loving it and the most important this is that is comfortable. This is not a dress (love it) I can wear the top with jeans or pants and the skirt with another different top or sweater!

Sandy believes that we are all unique individuals, and your clothes should be to!  Her  Fashion influence comes from frequently visiting Paris at a young age, and  as an adult working in New York City Fashion and retail understanding the many different needs and concerns that men and women have about clothing. When you look good, you feel good.

La primera vez que vi la ropa de SandyChicCouture quede enamorada de los colores y cada uno de los diseños; la ropa es única y lo mas valioso es que son ideas y talentos propios.

Al recibir esta prenda de vestir, que por cierto no es un vestido sino una falda y una blusa. Me encantó ya que no solo lo puedes usar en una sola pieza sino solo la blusa con unos jeans o pantalón o la falda con un top diferente. Esta vez decidí usarlo completo y aunque estaba nerviosa y emocionada por que es una prenda de diseñador y no sabia si vestirlo elegante o mas casual pues me fui con el look mas cómodo. Me encanta el color, la tela y lo combine con unas sandalias de caminar, recuerda que si te pones botines o tacones le puedes dar un look más elegante.

Sandy aprendió de moda en Paris y New York, tiene una pasión por diseñar y cree que cada uno de nosotros somos seres únicos y por eso nuestra vestimenta tiene que ser así también. las prendas no se repiten que es lo mas chevere de tener ropa de diseñador.

Shop now! 


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