The Reserve King taking your workout to the next level…

This post is sponsored by The ReserveKing but all opinions are my own. 

What do you do when you want to find a particular fitness class that your current gym does not offer?  Or let’s say you are visiting from out of town and you don’t know the area at all but you simply refuse to skip yoga for the week?  I tell you what I normally do, I get on my favorite search engine and I browse and browse to see what place offers what class and by the time I am done reading the schedules, the classes, looking up the addresses, and reading the reviews, an hour has gone by and if I’m lucky I’ve actually found the spot.  Tedious right?  So if the airline industry and the hotel industry have gotten it right, where you  can go to your favorite booking site and “BAM!” you get lists upon lists of choices based on exactly what you are looking for, then why can’t the fitness industry do the same thing too?  Well guess what, they have, I present to you:

Finally we have a website that can consolidate and propagate (how do you like them big IT words?) all the fitness criteria you are looking for in your area and show you in an instant what facilities are available for your needs.  In other words, you are out of town and you cannot skip your kickboxing class for the week because you will upset the Kung  Fu Gods including Bruce Lee himself by your lack of discipline.  So you go on RESERVEKING.COM and you search for the time, location, and category (martial arts, boxing) and voila!  A list of places that provide those activities follows and you are then free to choose which spots best suits your needs.  How awesome is that?
RESERVEKING.COM is coming soon to the Washington, DC area, and I cannot wait!  Remember that all searches will vary depending on what you are looking for and where you are located.  But wait, there’s more!  If you are the owner of a gym or fitness facility and you want to increase your membership or just your marketing outreach, this is a perfect way to let others know that you are out there and what cool things you have to offer the fitness junkie outside of your normal local advertising.  It truly is a win-win for everyone who wants to get in shape and looking for constant ways to challenge themselves.  So take it from this FITNESS QUEEN that RESERVEKING.COM is the next best thing in the fitness world!

Que es lo que hacemos cuando queremos tratar una clase nueva en el gym? algún deporte diferente o un baila nuevo? Pues yo busco en el internet algo cerca a casa, que no tenga contratos y que el precio sea conveniente…. Claro que mientras busco y busco ya he perdido casi una hora y no he decidido absolutamente nada. Pues ahora existe un servicio que hará esta búsqueda mucho más fácil para todos nosotros.  De igual manera en la que hoteles, aerolíneas de viaje reencuentran lo más conveniente y lo más accesible para ti pues ahora The Reserve King te ayuda 100% en encontrar el ejercicio o clase deseada.

Si estas de vacaciones en DC y quieres aprovechar el tiempo libre sin dejar de hacer tu ejercicio favorito este website y servicio es definitivamente ideal para ti!

Reserve King llega a Washington DC, y podrás encontrar clases de kick boxing, yoga, gymnasia TODO lo que te imaginas entrando a esta pagina. Este servicio no solamente sera beneficioso para los que amamos hacer ejercicio sino también para los dueños de negocios; podrían aprovechar y hacer su marketing de una manera única y diferente.


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