Intense workout thanks to Under Armour



Under Armour has taken the athletic and workout world by storm! In a field so competitive and often dominated by companies that have been around for several decades, it is great to see that a local company (from MD) is now one of the big boys as well. Which is why I was beyond thrilled when Under Armour gave me the opportunity to try out an intensive workout class in DC at The Blast Life  allowing me to sport their “perfect-for-exercise” gear that is as fashionable as it is comfortable.

Let’s face it ladies, although looking cute at the gym technically should not matter…ok, who are we fooling, of course it matters, and Under Armour is up for the challenge of staying on top of their game in every way to satisfy their customers in style and function with their new line #WillFindsAWay

The class was intense, it was a mixture of cardio and weights to give you an adrenaline rush that also tones your body. I train every day, and if you are like me then you are always looking for that extra gear to constantly push your mind and body to the next level. It isn’t always easy, let’s face it, life happens.

But you just have to remind yourself that a healthy mind and body will allow you to tackle whatever this world throws at you, so you have to keep pushing forward. Under Armour knows this, which is why they are one of the leaders in the workout industry now. I am so grateful for the opportunity they gave me to learn from their fitness experts. Oh, and yes, wearing great looking gear while doing it never hurts either, right Under Armour? Thanks again!



Under Armour Instagram 

The Blast Life Instagram


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