If you are a makeup lover like I am, you are going to enjoy everything about this post. I am not a professional makeup artist, but I like having the right make up and the perfect complements to make it shine and great! Brushes are an importan key while applying make up, so you have to make sure what type you get and how you use them.
There are many benefits of using brushes instead of your fingers to apply makeup. You’ll get a much more even coverage using a brush, and a better polished finish. It’s also more sanitary to use a brush, and this is especially important for acne-prone skin as it will help you prevent breakouts on your face.
This Palette is an essential makeup brush set for professional makeup artists and at-home beauty fanatics (like me), It includes 15 extra soft brushes stored in a sleek faux-leather rollout pouch that it is perfect for you to take it anywhere you go. It also comes with all the instructions so you make sure what brush to use for each specific part of your face. This Vanity Planet set is just everything I was looking for. I could be a perfect gift for any of your friends or for yourself! You should check it out!
Si eres amante del maquillaje como lo soy yo, vas a disfrutar todo sobre este post. Aunque no soy una profesional en lo que a maquillaje se refiere, pues me encanta tener los accesorios perfectos para que mi piel este brillante y saludable.
Las brochas son un implemento muy importante a la hora de aplicarnos el maquillaje, por eso debemos estar seguras de que tipo de brochas usamos y como las usamos. Algunos de los beneficios de usar brochas a la hora de maquillarnos y evitar usar los dedos o las esponjas es que se evita la acumulación de bacteria y se previene la aparición de acne en el rostro.
Este estuche de brochas es esencial para poder obtener un maquillaje perfecto, es usado por profesionales y por no profesionales (como yo) y funciona perfectamente. Contiene 15 brochas en un estuche de cuero que se puede llevar a cualquier parte que vayas. Me encanta que viene con instrucciones sobre cuando y como usar cada brocha, Este estuche de Vanity Planet es todo lo que tu estabas buscando, puede ser un regalo perfecto para alguna de tus amigas e incluso para ti! Chequéalo AQUI.
What a perfect gift idea too! I love my makeup brushes, use them every day!! Great post!
I love having a make up brush set, it is important to use the right ones like you mentioned on the blog and it sure does make a difference. That is a great idea for a gift as well❤️
Loving the case! Ideal for travel. This sounds like a great starting kit for makeup novices like myself 🙂
I am very interested in these makeup brushes!!! I love this beauty post! Thank you for highlighting this product!