Square Cash: Great for the holidays!



Square Cash is a personal cash transfer service that allows individuals to directly send cash amounts to each other via email or by downloading the mobile app linked to a debit card.

Square Cash app

If you are like me and love traveling and going to concerts with friends and ensure your seats are together this is the perfect app for you. There is normally one person that pays for the tickets and we all have to “deposit the money” or take out cash to pay that person back. Now with Square Cash it’s really simple, all you have to do is transfer the money directly without going to the bank for cash and even better, without writing a single check.

Square cash app

During the holiday season it is really hard for one person to buy gifts for everyone in the family.  People never have the right amount of cash when they ask you to pick something up for them.  How many times have you heard, “I’ll get you back next time I see you?” With this app my sister and I were able to transfer money back and forth as we helped each other tackle the family Christmas list.  Of course, if you know my sister, she never stays under budget, but I was able to pay her back through Square Cash for some of the gifts in minutes.

Square cash app

You can download the company’s Square Cash app from the iTunes or Android app store, and the app will walk you through the process. It is really simple and easy.  An email will be sent to the recipient’s email address immediately, notifying them of the payment, and the transaction will process within two days. All transfers through Square Cash are processed for free.

square cash app

Download Square Cash and try it today!

Square cash app


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